All Change!

29th March 2017

An overcast day with winds and some light rain. Snow is still hanging on in places, quite firm where it lies. Quite mild with a threat on rockfall below crags.

The 2 photos below were taken at the Lochain in Coire an Lochain. It shows the debris from an avalanche that occurred on the 3rd of March this year. A large natural avalanche approximately 200 metres wide travelled from the twin burns area and hit the loch. Debris and soil is in the loch with rocks and ice from the loch ejected due to the force of the avalanche, this cane be seen on the left of the upper image and spreading left to right on the lower image.

ejected ice and debris from the Lochain.

Ice remnants ejected from the loch of Coire an Lochain travelled 100m or so from the loch edge.

Coire an Lochain cliffs. Twin burns area to the right of the image

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