The clearing

28th March 2009

There has been snow showers on North winds and cold temperatures for the last 24 hours. We left the summit of Cairngorm to go and dig our snowpit on the South side noticing 3 walkers wandering around on the summit.  They were still wandering aimlessly when we returned half an hour later.  “Which mountain are we on” they asked “is it Sneachda we seemed to be lost can you show us the way down!?” “Yes do you have a map and compass so we can point out your location?”.  “No” was their somber reply.  “Oh dear”  So the girls were just about to lead the boys safely off Cairngorm when we heard an engine close by… it was Adam in his Piste machine also on route to rescue the disorientated 3 after receiving a mountain rescue call.  Well done everyone it could have been a long, confusing, and exhausting walk for the 3.  
A brief clearing in the Northern Corries
Michele scribbling at the pit.  Below you can see some very large Graupel which was continually drifting into our pit.

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