Historical avalanches

16th March 2010

Situated South-West of the Cairngorms between the A9 and Glen Feshie is Gaick lodge in Glen Tromie. On New years eve in 1800 the original Gaick Lodge was hit by one of the UK’s most historical avalanches. The remains of 5 men and their dogs were recovered eventually. They were at the time sleeping in the bothy which was completely covered and destroyed by the immense avalanche. On a recent visit we saw that several large avalanches had crossed the main track which leads you into the estate. You will find the full story of this incident in Blyth Wright and Bob Barton’s book “A chance in a million”

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  • Philip Oakley
    30th October 2023 12:17 am

    I was under the impression that this was one of the biggest avalanches with a large death toll, but have just found out that there was a larger death toll in Sussex (of all places) on Boxing Day 1836 (Lewes).

    Ref: https://youtu.be/hDQEvxeU3Mg?t=3032 Royal Meteorological Society lecture “Data Rescue: Discovery and Recovery of Historic Climatic Observations”

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