Clouds rolling in on strong SW winds

8th April 2015

Quite a breezy day compared to the last few days with moderate to strong winds.  Clouds rolled in over the summits during the morning but by the afternoon it was another glorious sunny day.

Trident gullies - The snow was much firmer on these shaded Northerly aspects

Trident gullies – Much firmer snow on shaded Northerly aspects

The goat track and Fiachaill Buttress which had some some big skid marks from rock fall below

The goat track and Fiachaill Buttress with some large skid marks from rock fall below it!

Ice in the lochains are slowly melting.

Melting ice in the lochains

Boulder fields in the coire are mostly free of snow

Boulder fields in the coire are mostly free of snow

Climbers head into Sneachda.

Climbers head into Sneachda.

Amazing cloud formations

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