Clear, Sunny and Very Windy

26th January 2017

A great day on the hills, sunny and clear conditions belies the strong southerly winds blowing 60 – 80 mph on the summit of Cairngorm. Inversion conditions are presenting a cold air layer, which is giving us sub zero conditions below summit levels but also strong winds as cold air is squeezed under a warmer air mass at higher elevations. The snowpack has reduced in extent after the warmer temps of the last day or so, but it has now re-frozen and is bullet hard!

Looking west across the Northern Corries to the ridges of Braeriach and the Sgorrans

The majestic Cairntoul and Angels peak beyond the Feith Bhuidhe are of the cairngorm plateau.

Ben Macdui

Sunlight on the ice hard snow near Stac an Faraidh


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