A poor visibility day

29th December 2020

Covid -19

The Scottish Avalanche Information Service issues information to support permitted activity under current Scottish Government guidance.  Please be aware of travel restrictions within Scotland and respect local communities by referring to Scottish Government guidance and how to participate safely by referring to Mountaineering Scotland guidance.

Northerly winds often create poor visibility in the Cairngorms.  At the highest of levels there has been drifting snow as well as poor visibility.  Fragile cornices are difficult to see in these conditions and are best given a wide navigational birth.  Although freezing at around 600 metres, the air flow has felt quite damp and is continually creating rime ice.  Soft snow overlies icy slopes, Harscheisen or crampons are essential if venturing onto anything steep.

Views across the Cas car park at 600m

Looking towards the Cairngorms from Glenmore


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