A significant thaw

19th December 2020


The Scottish Avalanche Information Service would recommend that those wishing to enjoy the winter mountains refer to Mountaineering Scotland and Scottish Government advice regarding Covid-19 and outdoor activities.

Heavy rain yesterday and during the night has had a big impact on the snow cover, and the burns are in full spate.  Coire back walls and slopes above 950 metres hold the most snow.  Elsewhere the ground is mostly bare with ribbons of snow in hollow areas.  The boulder fields on coire floors need careful navigation as the snow is soft and deep in places.  Burns buried beneath snowfields are also a hazard.

Looking towards Coire an Lochain

Coire an t-Sneachda

A pano of Coire an t- Sneachda

The walk into Coire an t- Sneachda

Stepping stones across the Burn.

See link below for a short clip

Burn in spate

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