Dry but still windy

27th February 2022

Today was dry but the Southerly winds remained strong. Cloud in the morning cleared to give a sunny afternoon.

At lower levels the snowpack has refrozen after the milder temperatures yesterday. This changed to a crust  which became increasingly breakable at higher altitudes.

Strong winds continue into the night tonight and will decrease to give moderate South-Westerly winds tomorrow. Showers throughout the forecast period will start as rain at most levels with snow above 1100 metres, turning gradually to snow as the freezing level drops to 800 metres during the day. Some localised windslab accumulation is expected on North-West through North to East aspects as precipitation turns to snow. These accumulations are  not expected to be extensive and mostly affect gully tops and coire rims.

Looking into Coire an t-sneachda

Looking across to Fiacaill buttress

Looking down Fiacaill Choire Chais into the ski area

The view into Coire an Lochain

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