Bands of cloud.

22nd December 2022

Bands of fog lifted to different levels throughout the day.  There was a dampness in the air, with light drizzle at lower altitudes, this fell as snow above 1000 metres.  Occasional clear spells gave way to views of the Northern corries.  A few climbing teams and mountaineers were out and above, making the most of the calm winters day.

Two happy climbers head out of Coire ant-Sneachda after a morning of good sport.

Aladdin’s Buttress… Spot the climbers.

Fiachaill Buttress Coire an t- Sneachda.

Coire an t- Sneachda.

A mountaineering group prepare for a winter skills training session on the flat ice above.  Coire an t- Sneachda.

A Ptarmigan trail, on the way into Coire an t- Sneachda.




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