Strong winds with spindrift

15th December 2019

Some snowfall arrived during the night.  Currently the strong Westerly winds winds have created a lot of drifting snow over the tops (40 gusting 60 mph).  The breakable crust is still widespread.  Soft accumulations of windslab have developed in lee areas.  The plateau has a thin cover of snow and rime ice with patches of old firm snow, and deeper drifts in some areas.

Minus 5C on the summit of Cairngorm with drifting snow.

Looking across the plateau towards Coire and t-Sneachda and the Fiachaill Buttress

Looking South across the plateau

The Northern Corries: Cas, Sneachda, Lochain on the right

Comments on this post

  • Richard Hazelby
    15th December 2019 8:28 pm

    With your pit that failed at 20cm was it a compression test, extended column test etc, and how easy did it fail? compression test (CPV -CPH) or if an ECT was used was it propagating or not very reactive (ECTPV – ECTN)?

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