Superficial dusting

19th January 2022

There were just a superficial dusting of snow this morning with light showers throughout the day. Amounts were insignificant, although the north west periphery of the Northern Cairngorms area looked to have caught the greatest amounts. Braeriach and the the hills of Glen Feshie looked the whitest from the A9.

Showers are expected to come in on the North-Westerly winds again this evening, with further very light snow anticipated. A drier day tomorrow, and remaining cold for the duration.

Any accumulations of new snow will be limited in extent, shallow and inconsequential. The old and firm snowpack remains the greatest hazard at the moment, particularly in steep locations where run-outs are poor.


Rime ice building on the mast, Cairn Gorm summit.


The view south from Cairn Gorm summit. Just a dusting and not much to see.


Piste basher on the Zig Zags at around 825 metres ASL. Nice splash of couloir in an otherwise dreich and monochrome day at altitude. 

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