Mild, dry and windy

30th March 2021

Covid -19
The Scottish Avalanche Information Service issues information to support permitted activity under current Scottish Government guidance.
Please be aware of current mandatory travel restrictions in Local Authority areas within Scotland and respect local communities by referring to Scottish Government guidance and safe route choices for exercise. For further guidance please refer to the following information for hillwalkers and climbers and snowsports on ski and board.
This blog is intended to provide hazard and mountain condition information to help plan safer mountain trips.
Gusts of over 70 mph with mild temperatures;  Highs of plus 5 degrees at summit levels.  Rivers are in full spate from recent heavy rain and melting snow!

Gale to storm force winds blew the cobwebs away,  underfoot conditions were mostly straightforward.

Sneachda burn in full spate; the stepping stones were underwater, but crossable.

Sneachda still looking wintry but the snow is currently soft and thawing. Creep lines are developing beneath the buttresses due to the recent mild temperatures and rain.

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