Wild wet windy

13th April 2024

Another day of gale to storm force South-Westerly winds.  A sunny morning preceded summit snow and rain for most of the afternoon.  Windy unsettled conditions are expected for the next couple of days with cooler temperatures and snow showers.  Although its been very spring like over the past few days, as it turns cooler the snowpack will become firm, and steep slopes will have serious run out potential in the even of a trip or fall.

Blue sky was short lived, heavy rain arrived not long after.

The main path in to Coire an t-Sneachda.

Coire an Lochain.

Cornice remnants overhang the trident gullies, Sneachda.

The Fiacaill buttress, half gully and the goat track to the left.

Mess of potage.

Aladdin’s Buttress, spot the climber, bottom right.

Ribbons of spring snow.

That’s all folks, it’s been another snow packed season!  The SAIS team will return next winter, we’d like to thank you for your interest and support, have a great summer.

Comments on this post

  • Phil Marsh
    13th April 2024 5:41 pm

    As with the other condition reporting teams, grateful thanks for your daily updates, hugely interesting and appreciated.

    • ncairngormsadmin
      13th April 2024 6:58 pm

      Thank you Phil from team SAIS.

  • Gary Hodgson
    13th April 2024 11:07 pm

    A huge thanks again to all the SAIS teams for another season. Invaluable information for winter hillgoers. Enjoy your summer.

    • ncairngormsadmin
      15th April 2024 11:25 am

      Thank you Gary. The winter hasn’t quite let go yet but it’s looking a bit milder by the end of this week.

  • Rodney Duke
    13th April 2024 11:09 pm

    Brilliant pictures all through the winter season,thank you so much

    • ncairngormsadmin
      15th April 2024 11:24 am

      Thanks Rodney.

  • Matt Senior
    14th April 2024 11:36 am

    Thanks for all the help and info over the winter season. I’m finding the blogs are particularly helpful in planning days out. I really appreciate what you’re doing.
    See you in six months??

    • ncairngormsadmin
      15th April 2024 11:24 am

      Thanks Matt, we will start again early winter, next season.

  • Colin.
    14th April 2024 12:14 pm

    Oh to be up there.

  • Julia
    14th April 2024 4:22 pm

    Thank you for your winter reports from the Highlands. Too old to ski and hill walk now so really enjoy your updates.

    • ncairngormsadmin
      15th April 2024 11:23 am

      Thank you Julia, good to hear that your enjoying the blog.

  • Oliver Craig
    15th April 2024 7:39 am

    I will be going to the Cairngorms next month and will keep checking your weather reports as they are very accurate.

    • ncairngormsadmin
      15th April 2024 11:19 am

      Hello Oliver, we have the met office to thank for our very accurate weather which we receive on a daily basis. Now that we have finished for this season, we will no longer be inputting the avalanche forecasts until next season, but here is a link to view the Cairngorm summit weather forecast.

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