A Return to Colder Conditions

21st December 2020

Covid -19

The Scottish Avalanche Information Service issues information to support permitted activity under current Scottish Government guidance.  Please be aware of travel restrictions within Scotland and respect local communities by referring to Scottish Government guidance and how to participate safely by referring to Mountaineering Scotland guidance.


A quiet day in the mountains today. The fluctuating temperatures of late have firmed up the snowpack considerably which allowed for fast progress on the summit plateau, where good snow cover remains.

The snow is generally firm and with limited depth there are plenty of exposed boulders about. Any slips or falls at the moment are likely to be consequential.

Coire an t-Sneachda. The snow surface is generally firm and with a limited snowpack there are plenty of exposed boulders about. Any slips or falls at the moment are likely to be consequential


Small cornices and accumulations around the corrie rim


Fiacaill Buttress devoid of climbers today


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