Widespread crust

9th December 2021

Plenty of blue sky overhead before the clouds rolled in from the South-West during the afternoon.  A widespread crust has developed on all aspects.

This is breakable if travelling on foot and especially hard going if your off the beaten track.  A thin cover of new snow overlies the crust, travel by ski is swift and pleasant in the corries.

Weak layers continue to persist at depth, although now bridged by the stronger snowpack, high additional loads (groups on foot/ski) on steep and convex terrain may affect this layer.


Hard going underfoot conditions – walking into Coire an t-Sneachda.

Coire an t-Sneachda

Current snow cover – Coire an t-Sneachda.

Cloud developing over Coire and t- Sneachda Photo credit: Sarah CMRT.

A thick coating of rime ice on the Cairngorm summit station. Photo credit: Sarah CMRT.

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