A bit more like Winter

5th February 2022

With strong winds and heavy snow showers through the day it felt a bit more like winter on the tops today. It was not particularly cold, with the freezing level being around 1000 metres. Above this level there was a fair bit of drifting going on in the strong winds. Below this level the snowpack felt pretty wet and soggy. Looks like another windy, showery but much colder day tomorrow. Due to the lower temperatures the windslab that is deposited tomorrow is expected be less stable than the sticky damp windslab I observed today.

Between the showers. A bit of blue sky visible, but still plenty of snow blowing around at ground level.

Windward aspects, such as here on the West side of  Caingorm, tend to hold little snow.

The best view I got during the day. Snow cover is generally quite limited.

A team skinning up Coire Cas. Despite the fact we are into February, I think conditions could best be described as early season,  not a day for your best pair of skis.

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