Blue sky day

6th March 2022

A blue sky and light winds day.   A few centimetres of soft cold snow overlies a very firm and icy base.  Superb travel conditions for ski tourers on the plateau and anything not too steep.  South facing gullies and steep slopes were very firm and icy beneath the soft snow with the potential for serious run outs.  A few centimetres of cold loose snow on the plateau, this has plenty of drifting potential once the winds pick up from the South.

Views looking West from the summit of Cairn Gorm.

Looking South – superb snow cover.

Old cornices overhang the top of Hells Lum.

Carn Etchachan and the Shelter Stone Crag.

Coire an t-Sneachda

The Fiachaill Cas Ridge. Icy rocky terrain beneath soft snow.

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