Continuing to thaw

13th April 2022

A very damp day in the Northern Cairngorms, with moderate winds, low cloud and rain showers.

Overnight sleet showers gave way to rain at all levels. The snowpack is moist and soft at all levels.

Low cloud and whiteout conditions made travelling in the mountains challenging. Skis were the best choice for the soft snow, as the mountaineers we encountered were not enjoying post holing in the soft snow. The snow cover is reducing, especially at lower elevations. Still good cover on the plateau above 1000 meters.


Mountaineers heading somewhere in the cloud.


Overnight sleet ‘just’ hanging onto the rocks of 1141.


Soft, moist and deep drifts next to the snow fences in the ski area.



Puddles at 1100 metres, evidence if you need more of the ongoing thaw.

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