Braw on the Plateau

31st December 2022

A cold and fine day on the plateau with light to moderate winds for the most part. With good visibility there was the opportunity to observe debris from multiple avalanche events overnight. These are all recorded on the avalanche map and are thought to have released over night due to a period of precipitation and warming temperatures.

Observations today indicate that the snowpack has consolidated some what, but remains cold at higher elevations with some weaknesses in windslab. Before dawn precipitation will again be a feature of the forecast, falling as snow above 350 metres. This is likely to form some fresh unstable windslab in steep wind sheltered locations as the day progresses.

In many other locations the snowpack is stable and features a widespread breakable crust. This didn’t seem to put off the skiers today, with a few spotted out and about on the plateau putting in the last turns of 2022.

Which just leaves me to wish everybody a Happy New Year from the forecasting team in the Northern Cairngorms!


The Tors of Beinn Mheadhoin.


Raised footprints leading out of Coire an t-Sneachda. A sign of the wind erosion of recent days.


A busy Fiacaill Ridge with Sgoran Dubh Mor on the horizon. These summits around Loch Einich represent the western periphery of the Northern Cairngorms area.


Avalanche debris was observed in Coire Cas today following a period of overnight instability.

Comments on this post

  • James Picksley
    31st December 2022 8:04 pm

    Happy New Year, Good to see you today. Keep up the good work!



    • ncairngormsadmin
      1st January 2023 9:15 am

      Thanks James, Same to you, what a great day.

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