A changed landscape
15th February 2024
After a period of mild temperatures and rain to all levels, the Cairngorms are looking very different compared to previous days. A rather monochrome picture today with a greater emphasis on bare ground, exposed rocks, substantially sized icy patches, puddles and a moist snowpack. With the freezing level lowering tomorrow, expect underfoot conditions to become icy and firm above 1100 metres with any trips and stumbles having substantial consequences.

Ribbons and larger areas of snow still remain in the highest of locations, especially where it has been allowed to gain depth.

Quite a bit of military low flying activity at the moment, which has been absent in the last few years. Look closely and you will see an aircraft in the centre right of the image, aided by the vapour trails. This jet was manoeuvring around the striated clouds before quickly heading off down Strathspey. Most likely an F15-E Strike Eagle of the United States Airforce based at RAF Lakenheath…?
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15th February 2024 11:29 pm
Beautiful photography.
More please
16th February 2024 2:35 pm
Thanks Wojtek – will see what we can do.
Roger Evans
17th February 2024 7:13 am
Beautiful shots…can I ask? Could you try a couple of scenes in black and white to show us occasionally, sometimes this works very well with snow- the shot SE from Cairn Gorm for example , where the mountains are nearly already black and white but the snow has a blue tint. Could be even more dramatic in black and white.
Thanks so much for letting us see what many of us will never get to see. Roger
17th February 2024 9:47 am
Thanks Roger, Yes good idea. We do post some black and white shots from time to time, but agree they are often dramatic. Will see what we can do.